On 25 October 2019 the new EP of NORDN from Hamburg will finally be released! Also available as a strictly limited, one-sided 12" EP. Comes with…

POPPERKLOPPER "Alles wird Wut"

In two days not only the new POPPERKLOPPER album "Alles wird Wut" will be released - the band also celebrates their 30th anniversary in Trier with…

P. PAUL FENECH "Happy Halloween" 12" EP

Halloween is coming closer and closer! And since a few days P. Paul Fenech's "Happy Halloween 666" is completely sold out! We will try to ship all…

SLIME 12" Vinyl

Today the one-sided 12" from SLIME finally arrived from the pressing plant! At the latest by 18.10.2019 on your turntable!

The whole thing has become…

ROGERS announces big tour 2020

After the album chart success of their current album "Mittelfinger für immer" and the following brilliant almost completely sold out headliner tour,…

New Video, Tour and additional shows by ENGST

ENGST presents the brand new single "Unsere Kneipe" shortly before the upcoming autumn tour! If you always wanted to know how ENGST shoots a music…